Carmen Maria Montiel - Carmen Maria Montiel, known as a former Miss Venezuela, announced her plan to sue United Airlines for an incident that happened almost three years ago.

Montiel's upcoming lawsuit is just the latest round of bad news for the struggling airline. The company's shares took a minor hit earlier this week after a video of an Asian-American doctor being pulled from an overbooked flight went viral. The doctor, David Dao, said the experience was more sad and humiliating than those who fled their country in Vietnam decades ago. His lawyers filed a lawsuit against United on Thursday, ordering the airline to preserve surveillance video and other evidence related to being forcibly denied boarding.

Carmen Maria Montiel

Carmen Maria Montiel

According to Montiel, on a flight from Houston to Bogota, Colombia, she hit one of the flight attendants to ask for a seat. After being told United would not provide a pillow, she put her head on her husband Alex Lechin.

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Lechin - somewhat surprisingly - was very angry at his wife's attempts to comfort him. The couple started arguing. Moments later, Lechin called the same flight crew back to the group and complained that Montiel was "flying in his position".

The flight attendant responded by handing Montiel a written incident report that he said was a "warning." She refused to sign and changed seats but was ordered by the aide to return to the coach, who allegedly conspired with Lechin to force the move. When Montiel refused to be forced down, two strong men handcuffed her and moved her to sit next to an on-duty Houston police officer.

Alex Lechin defended his part in the drama, saying Montiel was drunk, aggressive and "scary" in his behaviour.

Within two months, Montiel was in court charged with "interfering with an airline employee." Not found guilty.

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When Dao's incident became a hot topic in the broadcast media, Montiel said her children watched and shouted, "Look mom, it happened to you!"

Carmen Montiel believes her mistreatment, along with Dao's, exposes a dark shadow in United's corporate culture.

"They did it many times," Montiel said, citing a lawsuit filed against United in 2015 after the airline made an emergency settlement to remove an autistic teenager. The girl's mother asked a flight attendant for a hot meal, saying her daughter could get an erection if she was forced to eat a dish at room temperature. The boat's crew departed although there were no behavioral problems or disturbances.

Carmen Maria Montiel

"It got worse to the extent of what happened to Mr. Dao," Montiel said. "There is something very bad here."

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Although there is no mention of United or Lechin's response to Montiel's trust and forced downfall, the former Miss Venezuela seems to have a sense of injustice that makes United's PR team very unhappy.

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